Vision Zero Engagement is launched in Essex with a pop-up event in Chelmsford town centre

Vision Zero launch in Chelmsford

Yesterday, Tuesday September 14, The Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) officially commenced public engagement with the release of its draft strategy, detailing how Vision Zero could be achieved in Essex.

Vision Zero was launched as an aspiration in November 2020 but today, the Partnership released the draft strategy as part of a pop-up event using a digi-van, campaign materials and with support from the Project Edward Team.

Shoppers will have seen Extra Eyes videos, the ‘Towards Zero’ film and other short clips showing speed enforcement and innovative road layouts to provide safe space for cyclists displayed on the big digi-van screens. The My Small Change campaign car was also on site, drawing in young drivers and to help the team emphasise the importance of vehicle safety as part of Vision Zero.

The Partnership chose to launch during Project Edward week (Every Day Without A Road Death), when the Project Edward Team and the Driving for Better Business team were undertaking a national tour, to draw attention to, and support for, our joint goal of achieving no road deaths. Nicola Foster, Chair of SERP, was interviewed for a Project Edward podcast (pictured below).

Nicola Foster, Chair of SERP, being interviewed for a Project Edward podcast

Nicola Foster, Chair of SERP, said: “Yesterday was a big day for the Partnership and the people of Essex.

“We are passionate about Vision Zero and determined to achieve it. We should not continue to accept road deaths and serious injuries as part of our everyday lives.

“If you saw us in Chelmsford you might have been asked, how many road deaths are acceptable? Some people said a few and some people simply couldn’t answer. The only answer for us and the county of Essex, is ZERO.

“You may have seen the speed enforcement around Chelmsford, supporting the launch. We know that speed is the number one cause of road deaths and by slowing down, we can all save lives. This week is also the National Police Chief’s Council week of action for speed, which SERP will be supporting with additional enforcement and promotion during the week.

“Shockingly, 169 people were caught speeding in Chelmsford today, near a school.

“Please take the time to visit our website and see how, together, the people of Essex might achieve Vision Zero. We’re proud to lead but we need everyone who influences what happens on our roads to desire the outcome of no deaths or serious injuries and to believe, as we do, that it is possible.”

Councillor Lee Scott, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Highways Maintenance and Sustainable Transport, attended the launch event.

Cllr Scott said: “Every death on Essex roads is unacceptable, every death is a loved family member. Vision Zero is a challenging aspiration, but we must aim to stop avoidable road deaths in our county. 

“Essex County Council will take every action it can to make Essex roads as safe as possible and we will work collaboratively with all our partners in SERP to make Vision Zero a reality.”

Please visit to read the strategy. A summary of the strategy can also be found here.

Vision Zero launch event in Chelmsford

15 September 2021

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