SERP surrounds Brentwood and interacts with hundreds of road-users on latest Vision Zero Day

In 2022, 35 people were killed or seriously injured on roads in the Brentwood district. Twenty of these were car drivers, nine were motorcyclist and five were pedestrians.
On Wednesday, 7 February, officers and staff from the Safer Essex Roads Partnership focused their efforts on the Brentwood area, enforcing the ‘fatal four’ and engaging with road-users in the town centre.
The Blackmore Primary School in Ingatestone also took part in School Speed Watch and stopped six speeding drivers, two of which were driving at 40mph in a 30mph zone.
Here, the school children asked the drivers emotive questions such as, ‘how would you feel if you ran me over’ in a bid to change driving behaviour.
Roads Policing officers were spread across three separate sites and detected 52 speeders. Other enforcement results include; three arrests on suspicion of drug driving, one arrest for immigration offences, nine with no insurance, 17 weren’t wearing seatbelts, 12 were using mobile phones, six with illegal vehicle tints.
The engagement team were based outside Marks & Spencer’s on the High Street and spoke to around 150 people about Vision Zero and their road safety concerns in the Brentwood area.
Donna Bond, Road Safety Technician for SERP, said: “It was great to see so many people in Brentwood interested in Vision Zero. Many were keen to sign the Vision Zero pledge and understood the importance of showing their commitment to saving lives on our roads.
“Our Vision Zero Days are a great way of spreading the message that road deaths are not acceptable and we all have a part to play in bringing the number down to zero. I’d urge everyone to sign the Vision Zero pledge on our website. It’s a great way to show your accountability to your family and friends, and to join our incredibly important movement.”
For more information on Vision Zero or to sign the Vision Zero pledge, please visit
12 February 2024