Don’t make a decision you’ll regret this Christmas

THINK! banner - saying 'a mate doesn't let a mate drink drive'
A mate doesn’t let a mate drink drive

The Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) is encouraging people to plan their journeys home before having a drink over the festive period.

The build up to Christmas is famed for socialising as friends, colleagues and families get together. 

With that in mind, SERP is keen to ensure all festive partygoers get home safely. 

The key message is to not get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol or taking drugs – and to consider whether you still may be over the limit the morning after.

It takes a lot longer than most people think for alcohol to pass through the body – an average of one hour per unit of alcohol, though this can vary depending on a number of factors.

SERP would also like to reinforce the fact that drink driving is unacceptable.

The 2021 RAC Report on Motoring shows just 6% drivers believed they had driven while over the limit in the past 12 months.

Will Cubbin, Safer Essex Roads Partnership manager, said: “We hope everyone enjoys socialising in the run up to Christmas, but we don’t want anyone to make a decision they regret later. 

“That is why we are encouraging everyone to plan their journey home before they have a drink, look out for each other if things don’t go to plan, and be aware you could still be over the limit the morning after.”

Throughout December, SERP will be sharing THINK!’s Mates for Life campaign across its social media channels.

Through a series of short films and other resources, the campaign shows 17 to 24 year-old male drivers that ‘a mate doesn’t let a mate drink drive’.

The films feature a young man encouraging his friend not to drink before getting in front of the wheel, by reminding him of the lifelong friendship and adventures they are yet to have.

13 December 2022

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